UKL/UPL Socialization by TIS and UNDIP in Grobogan

Grobogan, 9 January 2020 – Environmental Management and Monitoring Efforts (UKL / UPL) are intended to identify environmental impacts (source, type and magnitude) that will arise from drilling the RBG-3B well and determine environmental management and monitoring efforts starting from the pre-construction, construction, operation and the postoperative stage. Environmental management and monitoring efforts include topographic conditions, water quality, air quality, noise, road facilities and access, potential disasters, traffic surveys, biological components (flora and fauna), socio-economic, culture and health, and community perceptions.

The socialization of the activity plan to the community aims to explain that the operation does not have a negative impact on the environment. Management and monitoring efforts will be carried out for each stage of the activity and UKL / UPL will be prepared in accordance with the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 16/2012 Annex IV.

Picture 7 – Collection of socio-cultural data and people’s livelihoods

TIS is committed to complying with and running operations in accordance with UKL / UPL permits so that operations do not damage the surrounding environment.

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